AzCEP EM Research Seed Grant Winners
Congratulations to the winners below!
$1000 awarded to: Ms. Catherine Williams, Mr. Robert Kelly, Ms. Bri Tomlinson, Mr. Matthew Van Ligten and Ms. Charis Wang; (Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine) Faculty Sponsors, Douglas E. Rappaport, MD, Nicole R. Hodgson, MD, Wayne A. Martini, MD; Changing The Stressful Stress Test: Coronary CT Angiography Implementation and Outcomes
$1000 awarded to: Dr. Amy Kristensen; Advisor, Dr. Ilana Mayer (Abrazo); Caring for Emergency Department Patients in Immigration Custody: A paucity of guidance
$1000 awarded to: Zachary Ginsberg and Summer Ghaith; Advisor, Dr. Rachel Lindor (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine); Characteristics, Interventions and Outcomes for Unspecified Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department
$1000 awarded to: Dr. Anisa Mughal; Advisor, Dr. Pat Connell (Valleywise); A Virtual Approach to Training New Emergency Medicine Residents in Maputo, Mozambique
$1000 awarded to: Dr. Katrina Lettang and Dr. Ellen Dowling; Advisor, Dr. Megan McEhlinny (Valleywise); A Retrospective Review of Refugee Emergency Department Utilization and Outpatient Clinic Follow-Up in a Phoenix Safety-Net Hospital
$1000 awarded to: Dr. Sasha Reid; Advisor, Dr. Heesun Choi (Kingman); A Double-Blinded Comparison of Low-Cost Ultrasound Media: A Simulation and In-Vivo Analysis
$1000 awarded to: Dr. Richard Cunningham and Katherine Barlow; Advisor, Dr. Geoff Comp (Valleywise); The Effect of Sublingual and Topical Nitroglycerin on Venodilation and Implications for Increased First-Pass Success of Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Vein Cannulation
$1000 awarded to: Dr. Michael Henry; Advisor, Dr. Geoff Comp (Valleywise); Emergency department provider experiences with interfacility patient transfer coordination call centers during COVID-19 surges